Thursday, July 8, 2010

Posterity -- you will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it." --John Quincy Adams
"It does not take a majority to prevail ... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men." -- Samuel Adams
"It does not take a majority to prevail ... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men." -- Samuel Adams
Posterity -- you will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it." --John Quincy Adams
Alexander's Essay – July 8, 2010

Barackracy, Part 1
Breaking the Back of Free Enterprise
"An unlimited power to tax involves, necessarily, a power to destroy; because there is a limit beyond which no institution and no property can bear taxation." --John Marshall
The foundation of national morality must be laid in private families. ... How is it possible that Children can have any just Sense of the sacred Obligations of Morality or Religion if, from their earliest Infancy, they learn their Mothers live in habitual Infidelity to their fathers, and their fathers in as constant Infidelity to their Mothers?" --John Adams, Diary, 1778

Check out this link for facts about Elena Kagans' lack of qualifications
It appears that Kagan intentionally and purposefully
manipulated the ACOG finding, inverting the meaning of
the initially released statements to mirror her own
ideology! Kagan's wording was incorporated into the
final document and was later submitted as evidence from
ACOG to the Supreme Court.
First, according to Shannen W. Coffin, the deputy assistant
attorney general in charge of the defense of the federal
Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act during the Bush
Administration, in 1997 Kagan essentially re-wrote a
key section of the American College of Obstetricians
and Gynecologists' (ACOG) position on partial-birth
Liberty Counsel is joining other pro-family groups in
calling for a FULL INVESTIGATION of events that took place
during Elena Kagan's tenure in the Clinton White House.
Evidence has surfaced indicating that she manipulated expert
testimony in order to overturn laws banning partial-birth

We are also calling for a review of discrepancies in her
testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, especially
concerning her notes to President Clinton giving political
advice about abortion cases being considered by the federal

eedom-loving Americans everywhere who want to take their country back. Would you consider donating to our cause today?

Please take the time to support o

s Vegas fundraiser for his henchman on the Hill, Harry Reid.

Friend, Reid has been slinging mud at me from the moment I won the Republican nomination i

Man" in the Senate is gone.

So now the President is taking time away from two wars and the worst economy since the Great Depression to host a glitzy La

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Where are the leaders of the SBC? Why are they not stopping Land from using whatever credibility the SBC has left, to send out press releases and give interviews pushing Obama's agenda? Are these so-called Christian leaders like Land, Anderson and Hybels in agreement with the full scope of Obama's amnesty plan or are they just ignorant? Topic Five: We receive a phone call from a lady whose father was a pastor in Germany and was imprisoned! for opp osing the apostate church that was going along with Hitler. This caller now lives in America and says history is repeating itself in America as pastors and Christian leaders line-up to support and push the agenda of an ungodly leader. O
Topic One: What do some of America's so-called evangelical pastors and Christian leaders have in common with Communist revolutionaries? Answer: They are all pushing for amnesty for illegal aliens. Topic Two: Why would these pastors become pawns for Obama? Topic Three: John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute tells us about the National I.D. card that amnesty legislation will include. How will a National I.D. card implement tyranny and government control of our lives? How could this national I.D. card help establish a world economy as the Bible predicts? Constitutional attorney John Whitehead answers these questions? Topic Four: The Communist Party USA is using American, Mexican Communists and revolutionaries to push for amnesty so they can ""defeat the ultra right in the November elections and to strengthen the CPUSA's (Communist Party USA's) work among this section of the population."
Where are the leaders of the SBC? Why are they not stopping Land from using whatever credibility the SBC has left, to send out press releases and give interviews pushing Obama's agenda? Are these so-called Christian leaders like Land, Anderson and Hybels in agreement with the full scope of Obama's amnesty plan or are they just ignorant? Topic Five: We receive a phone call from a lady whose father was a pastor in Germany and was imprisoned! for opp osing the apostate church that was going along with Hitler. This caller now lives in America and says history is repeating itself in America as pastors and Christian leaders line-up to support and push the agenda of an ungodly leader. O
it and giving it credibility
llow Creek Church in Chicago praising Obama's amnesty plan, pushing
mericans are strong supporters of the Obama administration's effort
Topic One: What do some of America's so-called evangelical pastors and Christian leaders have in common with Communist revolutionaries? Answer: They are all pushing for amnesty for illegal aliens. Topic Two: Why would these pastors become pawns for Obama? Topic Three: John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute tells us about the National I.D. card that amnesty legislation will include. How will a National I.D. card implement tyranny and government control of our lives? How could this national I.D. card help establish a world economy as the Bible predicts? Constitutional attorney John Whitehead answers these questions? Topic Four: The Communist Party USA is using American, Mexican Communists and revolutionaries to push for amnesty so they can ""defeat the ultra right in the November elections and to strengthen the CPUSA's (Communist Party USA's) work among this section of the population."
genda? Are these so-called Christian leaders like Land, Anderson an
away from the right wing policies of the past and to move for prog
the ultra-right in the primaries and in the midterm general electi
utionaries to push for amnesty so they can ""defeat the ultra right
help establish a world economy as the Bible predicts? Constitutiona
McCain to Oppose Kagan for High Court
Today, 9:38 PM
Republican Sen. John McCain says he plans to vote against confirming Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan.

The Arizona senator's decision makes him the latest in the GOP to oppose President Barack Obama's nominee to succeed retiring Justice John Paul Stevens.

McCain says Kagan is unlikely to exercise judicial restraint, based on her decision as dean of Harvard Law School to bar military recruiters from the campus career services office because of the ban on openly gay soldiers.

Democrats have more than enough votes to confirm Kagan. So far, no Republican has announced plans to back her.

McCain is outlining his opposition in an opinion article to be published in Thursday's editions of USA Today.

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"And as to the Cares, they are chiefly what attend the bringing up of Children; and I would ask any Man who has experienced it, if they are not the most delightful Cares in the World; and if from that Particular alone, he does not find the Bliss of a double State much greater, instead of being less than he expected." --Benjamin Franklin, Reply to a Piece of Advice