Friday, August 21, 2009

Right wing Extremism ;Exercising Your Constitutional RIghts

Reposted by David Hornstein

From the Desk of:Mat Staver

The Obama administration and Nancy Pelosi think that if you're not a fellow Socialist, you must be a "right-wing extremist." They are now viciously attacking anyone who doesn't agree with their radical agenda! Please see below. --Matdavid,When your ship is sinking, blame someone!

That's what membersof the Obama/Reid/Pelosi power axis seem to think. Problem is,they're now blaming the majority of Americans who say we shouldabandon ObamaCare and start over.According to a Washington Post-ABC News poll released thismorning, over half (53%) of Americans disapprove of the waythe president is handling the budget deficit and ObamaCare. That means the administration's demonizing and marginalizing of ObamaCare opponents is now aimed at the majority of Americans. And this political gaffe is blowing up in their faces!Yesterday, the White House sheepishly announced they have closedtheir "snitch site" at

Americans weretotally outraged at the suggestion to "turn in" friends ande-contacts for spreading "fishy" ObamaCare reports.Condescending government spokespeople have routinely told usthat THEY KNOW WHAT'S BEST and that we should just trust themand let them go on rushing to change America. Why, they say,are you even bothering to read the ObamaCare bill? But you and I see ObamaCare for what it is! The abortion mandate IS there... the death panels ARE there... the trillion-dollar-plus additional deficit IS there... and the inevitable rationing IS definitely there!No matter how often government spokespeople smirk and say thesethings are not in the ObamaCare program, anyone who reads thebill has to see them! They are not "figments of the far right'simagination" as the Obama team insists.If you don't already have proof, you can download a special9-page analysis of HR 3200 (the "ObamaCare" healthcare reformbill) here:

We are experiencing the kinds of name-callingand demonization that are the hallmark of any Socialist (oreven Fascist!) government that wants to force its will on anation's people. There is now a coordinated attempt to delegitimize public dissent - and it strikes at the very heart of our constitutional guarantee of free speech!

But as Americans, we have a God-given right to free assembly,free speech and public dissent!++There's far too much on the line to remain silentThis outrageous attempt to bully Americans into silence issymptomatic of the animosity our Nation's leadership holdstoward people of faith and patriots who love this country. And if ultra-left officials think they can intimidate us by calling us "rabid right-wing extremists," we should wear that name as a badge of honor!david, I want you to join me in throwing these outrageousattacks back in the face of our Nation's ultra-left leadershipby taking a simple step... I want you to join me as an official Liberty Counsel card-carrying "Right-wing Extremist" and to tell the White House we won't cave in to their pressure!Go here to request your complimentary card:

We created the first Official Liberty Counsel Right-WingExtremist Card when the Department of Homeland Security(DHS) issued an "Intelligence Assessment" that branded pro-life,pro-Second Amendment, or pro-veteran Americans as potentialterrorist threats.Public outrage at that bullying forced Secretary JanetNapolitano to remove the offensive report from the DHSweb site, just like the White House recently had toclose the "snitch site." Now it's time for a new "Right-Wing Extremist" card and for us to tell the White House we won't stand for their name-calling and overt intimidation!I want you to join thousands of your fellow citizens whoalready have this newly designed wallet-sized card (personalizedwith your name) at no charge for two reasons..

.FIRST, our new "Right-wing Extremist" card is a symbol of yourpersonal rejection of the administration's attacks againstpeople that don't want America to become a Socialist State.You can join me in turning the tables on them by wearing theterm "Right-wing Extremist" as a badge of honor! If beingpro-freedom and anti-Socialism makes us "extremist," then so be it!SECOND, I want you to have the phone number to our Liberty Counseloffice with you at all times... Just in case you are confrontedby a White House operative or other government thug who is hostileto true American values.

I want you to have the card so our legal team can be notified and we can stop this outrageous profiling and intimidation wherever and whenever it takes place.Go here to see a sample of what your card looks like... + The card is my gift to youOnce again, there is no cost for this new edition of our popular"Right-Wing Extremist" card. And if you already have one, pleaseforward this message to friends, church members or other associatesso we can send them their own personalized card.I am so outraged by the attacks that are coming from thisadministration against patriots and people of faith who simplydon't want America to become a Socialist State that I feelwe must get these cards into the hands of all our team members.

Of course, there are expenses associated with this national campaign,so any financial support you provide will be greatly appreciatedand will be put to immediate use in advancing and protecting ourprecious liberties.So please...Take a moment right now to take a stand with me against theseattacks and request your new edition of our Official LibertyCounsel "Right-wing Extremist" Card.

Thank you and God bless you,Mathew Staver, FounderLiberty Counsel

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