Would you like to consolidate a hefty chunk of your browser's bookmark bar real estate?
Quix is an interesting application that allows users to create an all-in-one solution for bookmarklets and bookmarks, as well as a handy toolkit that will let users shorten links and post to multiple locations, all from any browser.
Check out the demo, give the app a test drive, and let us know what you think.
Quix is an extensible bookmarklet that allows users to access all their bookmarks and bookmarklets across all browsers, while maintaining the necessary shortcuts in just one spot. In essence, Quix acts like like a command line for the browser.
Commands run the gamut from basic web searches and functions to social utilities to searches and SEO/webmaster functions - the range of functionality for Internet power users is truly mind-boggling.
The Quix bookmarklet comes ready-made with a decent gallery of commands, but the best part of the app is that users and developers can extend its functions using custom commands files. Once a user has made his own custom commands file available online, he can simply go to the Quix extensions page to create a bookmarklet that will work with that file.
The only downside is having to remember all the commands.
In many senses, this reminds of of Mozilla's Ubiquity, the add-on/UI we raved about back in the mists of time and that allowed users to apply textual commands to any page they were browsing. Ubiquity isn't dead, but it seems to run silent and deep. We hope this conceptual revival from Quix will fare better.
Quix comes from Joost de Valk, a seeming one-man web dev shop based in the Netherlands. Let us know what you think of this app in the comments.
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